Enrollment for Kindergarten program for the 25-26 school year is now open. Seats are limited. Tours are being conducted Wednesday and Thursday- sign up using this Google Form


Grades K-5

In the elementary school at PS/MS 34, our students learn best through student-centered, interdisciplinary units of study, which utilize New York City as an extension of the classroom.  Students participate in multiple trips throughout their units of study which allow for deeper connections between the content that they are learning.  Whether visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art to gain a better understanding of their ELA content, or partnering with neighborhood high schools to deepen their knowledge of the living environment in science, our students’ learning occurs in an experiential manner.

Grades 6-8

The middle school at PS/MS 34 is a lively place! Students are offered various entry points into our curriculum. When learning about the constitution in a Humanities class, they also look at performances about the constitution in Theater class. In a STEM class, students might create “green islands” with the lowest carbon footprint demonstrating their learning in creative and dynamic ways. Additionally, we offer Mandarin, Art, Theater and Physical Education.


University Settlement SONYC @ PS 34 is a DYCD funded middle school afterschool program. SONYC provides PS 34 middle schoolers with a variety of activities such as Leadership based programming, dance, arts, physical activity, STEM, and more. SONYC provides students with a safe and nurturing environment for social emotional learning through activities and our dedicated staff. SONYC hosts our PS 34 basketball teams and hosts events at PS 34 such as our annual carnival and a variety of trips. For information about SONYC please contact asantos@universitysettlement.org

Elementary Enrichment

PS/MS 34 provides after-school academic intervention and enrichment learning with our Elementary teachers and support staff. Students practice their literacy and math skills through engaging in joyful activities and games. Students are also afforded the opportunity to play outside and in the gym.

All students with disabilities who require special education services have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The IEP contains information about your child’s interests, strengths, needs, goals, and educational program. It is a legal document that describes how the DOE will provide your child:

  • A Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
  • In the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Learn More Here

  • Arts

    All public school students should have access to high-quality arts education, which may include dance, moving image, music, theater, and/or visual arts.

  • Career Connected Learning

    Find Career Connected Learning programs by industry or topic area.

  • Civics for All

    Civics for All helps schools support students in making connections between history, current events, and democratic structures.

  • English Language Arts

    In English Language Arts (ELA) students learn to become effective readers and writers.

  • Health Education

    Health education is a required academic subject for students in all grades. In this class, students learn how to take care of their minds, their bodies, and their relationships with others.

  • Libraries

    School libraries are a critical part of your child’s education.

  • Literacy

    While New York City Public Schools each select their own literacy curriculum, there are common features that each classroom contains.

  • Math

    In Mathematics we teach students to have solid understanding of concepts, and to work through problems with skill and ease.

  • Physical Education

    Physical education (PE) is a required academic subject that teaches students how to be physically active.

  • Science

    Students are naturally curious, which makes them natural scientists. A strong science program helps them make sense of the physical world around them.

  • Social Studies

    In Social Studies students use rich content, major themes and big ideas to learn history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship, and government.

  • STEM

    STEM is an acronym for the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Students can learn about STEM inside and outside the classroom.

Read below for additional information about the tests your child may be required to take depending on their grade level. For a complete list of tests, including tests with rolling dates, view the full list of city, state and national tests.

Spring 2022 NYS Grades 3-8 ELA and Math exam results are now available for families and schools. Families may access results via their NYC Student Account (NYCSA)(Open external link).

For questions regarding student participation in the New York State Grades 3-8 ELA and Math exams, refer to the annual Student Participation Family Guide. The 2022-23 Guide will be made available in the winter. The 2021-22 guide remains available for reference. Student Participation in Grades 3-8 New York State Tests – Family Guide.

Learn more here